
Friday Is Here And So Are Photos From The iPhone

Another long drawn-out week has expired. The evenings are long with hubby not around. You know, having cereal for dinner or devouring a tub of peanut butter pretzels and calling it a night allows less time for prepping dinner and more time to twiddle my thumbs while Audrey plays. It is hot here, not the humid kind of hot, but the really dry, hurts your eyes hot. Dry and hot. Not my cup of tea. It was time to upgrade to the big seat in the shopping cart, which she absolutely loved. She thought it was hilarious, oh so cool and amazed to see the world in a new perspective. Napping is quite the event these days. She can now stand in her crib on her own and she's a bit impressed and obsessed that she has the ability to do so. I'm slowly loosing motivation to work out, this heat is pulling me down. Audrey is my cheerleader while I workout and attempts to join on occasion. We took a visit to the library and she tends to get real excited when it comes to books. The whole 'be quiet in a library' hasn't dawned on her yet, so she continued to make every possible noise she could make, and me ssshhh-ing her didn't phase her.


  1. Love the exercise picture! So sweet and getting so big.

    1. Aww thanks!! Yes, growing so quickly right before my eyes!! xoxo
