
The City Where We Sleep

As I was uploading these photos wanting to share more of where we live, I was thinking about how I could articulate and express in words this town. Then my mind wondered from that thought and went somewhere else. I was thinking of how loony it is that I ended up here, half way across the world from where I grew up all my life. How did I end up living here, in a town where the norm is to speak another language other than mine, a town where I am the international, a town with different rules, and a schedule that consist of siestas.

HOW did I end up here?

For me to visualize that is just mind blowing. In one moment of my life I was placed exactly where He wanted me to be in order for me to meet this one specific man who I could call my soulmate. If ANYTHING else was altered before I met him, it would not be so, and consequently I would never have been able to capture moments like these from where I live.

There are reasons for things, purpose for things. I may not ever know why things happen the way they did or do, but I am here for a reason, a cause, a purpose. I am constantly awestricken at the mysterious ways of my Creator.

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